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RVAYSIM Rent and Mortgage Relief Funding

RVA Youth & Seniors in Motion Program (RVAYSIM) is designed to support health and wellness, housing stability for individuals and families in the commonwealth during hardship of unforeseen crisis. Bases on availability of funds and household needs RVAYSIM may provide private sponsorships and financial assistance for rent or mortgage payments for those eligible in crisis or lost of income. This includes financial assistance for food, beds, rent or mortgage payments past due beginning April 1, 2020 and onward. Financial assistance is a one-time payment in contingent with a Crisis Support Agency and documentation confirming financial assistance has been provided. RVAYSIM will extend sponsorship renewals based on availability of funding and the household’s need for additional assistance and continued eligibility. We also will accept used vehicle in good running conditions to provide transportation for applicant.


We will match up to 3 months of rent and inspect the property provided through funding.

RVAYSIM will provide financial assistance on behalf of renters Housing select Voucher Program for Apartment Rent - find your own place and use the voucher to pay toward the rent. Limited to 3 Vouchers for $100. This program is not an affiliate of any RVA Voucher Programs. We are independent sponsors and a non-profit organization.



 Seeking housing or holding a lease or mortgage statement in their name or other documentation confirming the landlord-tenant relationship;

Have experienced a loss of income due to crisis for the Coronavirus pandemic including but not limited to:

Those who have been laid off, place of employment has closed, experiencing a reduction in hours of work;

Those who must stay home to care for children due to closure of day care and/or school;

. The determination of income does not include any unemployment insurance received by a member of the household or one-time payments such as a stimulus check.

Contact us to apply on the contact page. 

What our Sponsors are saying

This is a great program to support and provide funding for those in need of housing and healthy living.

Positive Self Awareness LLC

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